• Conservation through sustainable utilisation.
  • Promoting a culture of ethical hunting.
  • Standardisation of products and outputs.
  • Representation of hunters at national level.
  • Excellence in education and training.

Die status van hierdie dokument: Die Raad het by die Klerksdorp vergadering vier strategiese fokusareas vir die volgende twee jaar geïdentifiseer. Die Dagbestuur, teasame met afgevaardigdes van lidverenigings, het daaropvolgend hierdie aksieplan vir die operasionalisering van hierdie fokusareas opgestel. Hierdie plan sal aan lidverenigings gesirkuleer word vir kommentaar, insette en aftekening, en sal by die 25 Mei Raadsvergadering geratifiseer word.

Strategic Action Plan 2007 / 2008

Fokusarea A

Die bou van volhoubare kapasiteit om CHASA-beleid te operasionaliseer en wat terselfdertyd voldoen aan lidverenigings se behoefte aan funksionele en legitieme strukture.

A1. Ken franchises toe aan lidverenigings ten einde nasionale dissiplines binne streeksverenigings te ondersteun en ontwikkel. Volgens voorstel van Adri se taakspan.
A2. Stel ‘n Bestuur aan, aanvullend tot die Dagbestuur, wat verantwoordelikheid neem vir portefeuljes, strategiese verantwoording doen aan die Raad en operasioneel rapporteer aan die Dagbestuur:

 CONSERVATION   Hennie Erasmus
 TRAINING  John Harris
 JUNIORS & NOVICES  Southern Cape Hunters' Association
 CFR LIAISON      Neil Jones
 GAME FARMING LIAISON      Daan Bodenstein
 RESEARCH   Gary Bauer

Die Bestuur en die Dagbestuur sal as ‘n span saamwerk, korrespondensie sirkuleer en telefoniese vergaderings hou.
Bestuurders sal ‘n posmodel vir die portefeulje-uitsette saamstel. Dit sal o.a. insluit:

  • Dat die Dagbestuurspos ‘KOMMUNIKASIE’ ondersteun word deur alle portefeuljes, maar veral deur ADMIN LIAISON wat op interne skakeling, proses en administrasie sal fokus, terwyl eersgenoemde die meer formele aspekte hanteer.
  • Dat GAME FARM LIAISON die formele HAWASA vergaderings saam met die dagbestuur bywoon, maar dan ook op informele vlak samewerking met wildboere najaag sowel as kyk na die opstel van ‘n databasis van jaggeleenthede wat met spesifieke voordele vir CHASA lede gepaard gaan.
  • Dat JUNIORS & NOVICES nie net na junior-opleiding en mentorskap sal kyk nie, maar ook na metodes om juniors en volwasse beginnerjagters by jag te betrek en in te lei.
  • Dat FIREARM OWNERSHIP en CFR LIAISON die Jagtersforum vergaderings saam met die Dagbestuur (en direk geakkrediteerde lidverenigings) bywoon.
  • Dat CONSERVATION, en ander portefeuljes soos nodig, die Wildlife Forum vergaderings saam met die Dagbestuur bywoon.

A3. Delivering on CHASA’s core outputs require that processes be streamlined to draw from across business functions by focusing on the following value chains:

  • Lobby decision makers - Vice-chair
  • Support members and hunters with information - Communication Director
  • Set national standards - Secretary
  • Support member associations with processes & standards    - Manager
  • Influence broad public opinion - CHASA CERE Trust

The indicated value chain owners to take responsibility for optimisation of these service delivery outputs.

Fokusarea B

Sigbaarheid, kommunikasie en bou van CHASA beeld by lede op grondvlak.

B1. CHASA en lidverenigings se logos moet mekaar se ’brands’ versterk.

  • CHASA se briefhoof sal die twintig lidverenigings se logos dra.
  • Lidverenigings word versoek om CHASA se logo op hulle briefhoofde en nuusbriewe aan te bring.

B2. Die lede van lidverenigings moet die boodskap kry dat sy lidvereniging ’deur CHASA vir hom werk’. CHASA sal ‘n gereelde koste-effektiewe een-bladsy nuusbrief na verenigings aanstuur, wat verplig sal wees om dit by hul lede te kry (moontlik deur insluiting in die lidvereniging se nuusbrief).

B3. CHASA sal elke lidvereniging voorsien van ‘n A-1 gelamineerde CHASA-poster om by geleenthede te vertoon.

B4. Lidverenigings word genooi om lede van die Dagbestuur na AGM’s te nooi.

B5. Daar sal jaarliks op ‘n gegewe dag ‘n standaard pos-liga intervereniging CHASA-skiet gehou word op verskillende venues in die land, op so ‘n wyse dat dit ‘n geleentheid bied vir verskillende verenigings/takke om op die gegewe dag saam te kom. Die kompetisie sal gefasiliteer word deur SA Jaggeweerskiet.

Fokusarea C

Beïnvloeding van die brëë publiek se persepsie van jag.

C1. In order to help work toward a socio-political environment with a distinct positive attitude to hunting, the CHASA Board will establish a CHASA Trust (CHASA Conservation, Education, Research & Empowerment Trust) with goals

  • Wildlife research and conservation initiatives.
  • Legal funding to protect the interests of hunters.
  • Education of the broad public and training of conservationists and hunters.
  • Empowerment of communities that award habitat to wild animals as well as previously excluded individuals.

C2. The CHASA Board will appoint trustees and fund the CHASA Trust

  • with the current fund for (Theta) training
  • yearly with 20% of CHASA membership fees.

C3. The CHASA CERE Trust to support and fund the CERE Foundation.

C4. Lidverenigings se getallebasis moet uitgebou word deur maklike (en ondersteunde) toegang tot die jagsport te verleen aan juniors en volwasse beginnerjagters (veral ook die uit voorheen uitgesluite gemeenskappe).

C5. Die basis van etiese (opgeleide) jagters moet uitgebou word deur te lobby dat vuurwapen- en jagwetgewing jagters aanmoedig om opleiding te deurloop en hulle te verbind aan die gedragskode van 'n jagtersvereniging.

C6. ‘n Opsomming van Ron Thompson se boekie sal gemaak word met die doel om die gemiddelde lid met die kernboodskap te bereik.

C7. With the aim of adding more economic value to recreationally huntable game, a joint initiative with WRSA will be explored i.o.t. promote venison.

C8. I.o.t. reach the general public with the message of sustainable use, bumper stickers will be printed with the CHASA logo and the words: “No Hunting, No Wildlife”.

C9. I.o.t promote a positive image of hunters with the general public, pro-active lobbying must target decision makers, media workers and learners & students; and conservation NGO’s must be convinced to side with responsible hunting.

Fokusarea D

Lobbying by owerhede asook samewerking met buite rolspelers op ‘n wyse wat nie CHASA se voortbestaan sal raak nie, maar gerasionaliseerde koördinering sal skep vir lobbying namens jagters.

D1. Lobby for administrative justice in firearm licensing.
D2. Lobby for Hunting Norms & Standards that is fair and just, but also support our aim of the establishment of an external socio-political environment with a distinct positive attitude to hunting, as well as an internal environment to support this:

  • Institute a credit card type yearly national hunting licence applicable to ALL hunting.
  • Use the income from this licence, augmented by a levy on the fees of hunting in protected areas, to establish a trust fund(s) (administered jointly by industry and government on national as well as provincial level), for:
    • projects aimed at cultivating a public understanding and support for the need for game animal population control management and ethical hunting,
    • the rewarding of communities that award habitat to wild animals,
    • BEE, bursaries and training in the wildlife industry and special conservation and research projects.
    • Incentivise membership of hunting associations by making this licence available through hunting associations and by offering it to members of these associations for a substantial discount. Offer association support with record keeping and feedback.
    • Incentivise training by hunters, by giving special status and certain benefits to trained hunters.

D3. Lobby for licence and permit applications to be available on-line, with immediate availability.

D4. Lobby for a ‘Day for the Hunter’ to show acknowledgement that hunters have been responsible for the growth in wildlife numbers, distribution and conserving of certain species and populations in South Africa over the past few decades.

D5. Facilitate the DEAT-recognition of CHASA member associations by ensuring that CHASA has:

  • An acceptable policy on BEE “to include persons from disadvantaged communities as members”.
  • An adequate ’Gedragskode’ (Art 51, 52) and ’Disiplinêre kode’ (Art 51, 52).
  • An expanded Ethical Hunting policy that “define criteria for hunting in accordance with the fair chase principle”.